S.N.A.P. Out of Fear

DeDe Skydive

The one question I get asked over and over again is how do I handle the fear of skydiving or performing in front of very large crowds. The answer is simple, I practice. How else are we ever going to get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable? The only method of success I have found is to do it over and over again! But since we all like the “how to” method let me share a few tips so you CAN enjoy jumping out of a plane or perform in front of a crowd without losing your lunch! Use the acronym SNAP!

1. S = Stop running from what you feel and feel what you feel. Yes it feels really uncomfortable. You feel it in your body a multitude of ways such as tight muscles in the chest, jaw and shoulders. You might experience dry mouth, dizziness, queazy stomach and a racing mind. These are just sensations. Get to know them. Welcome them. They are real. Denial of these sensations will cause them to be even more profound and intense. Just feel them. Let them be.

2. N = Notice. Become aware of the stories running in your head. “I’m going to die” “I can’t do this” etc etc etc. You know what I’m talking about. That paranoid loud voice that tells you every reason why you can’t, shouldn’t and won’t make it. Simply notice it. Let it be.

3. A = Ask. Ask yourself if it’s possible that the stories are not true. Question the validity of the voice inside your head. The truth is the stories are causing the thoughts that are causing the feelings in the first place. Maybe there is another story you just haven’t discovered yet. Question what you believe.

4. P = Pursue. Pursue the possibilities of your desires. If you have always wanted to sing in front of a crowd, stand up and give a talk or jump out of an airplane, you can do it. If you wait until you are comfortable or hold off until the negative voices no longer have a voice, you will be waiting a lifetime.

Fear is simply there to alert us to something. Most of the time its nothing more than alerting us to the fact we have given up power to our ego minds. Are we really in danger when speaking to a crowd of people? No. How about jumping out of a plane? The statistics show we are safer jumping out of a plane then we are driving to work in the mornings. It’s true look it up!

So feel the sensation and keep moving towards your dream. In time you will learn to use the sensation of fear as the power you need to propel you towards the biggest and brightest version of you!

Remember what I always say. When your ready, you can Wake Up, Stand Up and Snap Out of It!

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