There are times in our lives when we just don’t feel motivated or inspired. We say we feel nothing and describe the feeling as a tone of blue or a tad shade of gray. We feel guilty for feeling nothing. We look for the reason why this is happening. What am I doing that is causing this nothingness?
We run to the book store to purchase a book that outlines the top 5 steps we must to do to once again feel good. We sign up for workshops that will finally have the answer we haven’t been able to find ourselves. We call a friend and see if they can cheer us up. We go to the bar and have a drink or drive through one of the millions of fast food restaurants and get a big ole dose of MSG, sugar, salt and pink slime. Yes that will certainly make us feel better.
The question is what is wrong with just feeling? Is the tone of blue or the shade of gray bad? Do we have to feel inspired or motivated all the time? Who decided that some feelings are good and some are bad?
Maybe this feeling that we are interpreting as a lack of inspiration or motivation is simply space or peace or down time. Maybe we don’t need to give it a name at all. Feelings are called feelings because they are to be felt. Feelings do not need to be analyzed and dissected by the brain, just felt. All feelings are us and the more we run from one feeling to another the less we know who we are and the more frightened we become of the world. Once we are in that heightened state of anxiety and fear the more we become prey to the world of persuasion and coercion.
So feel it all and see where the feeling takes you. You will be surprised at how much more time and energy you have simply by not fleeing one feeling to rush to the next.