DeDe Murcer Moffett SNAP Keynote Speaker reel, best female speaker and meeting planners favorite speaker

Voted One of Today’s Most Fun, Inspirational and Impactful Speakers

Get Out of The Typical Speaker Box!

Create a fun and memorable event with real take-aways for both front line and top level executives.

Leave your crowd saying SNAP Yes!  

DeDe is the CEO of Raw Dog Food and Company, an  Author, Recording Artist, Human Potential and Out of the Box Success Strategist




Successful people (and the mentors who cultivate them) have one thing in common: they step up to the plate. Are they blind to self-doubt or devoid of past mistakes? Of course not. The same hurdles confront us all in work and in life. But some people SNAP out of it—they See New Achievable Possibilities—and they use that vision to fuel their actions and race through their fears. Top performers. Engaged teams. Happy spouses. They know how to ignite SNAP power, and if you’re willing to step outside your box, you can too.


SNAP keynote speaker clients
DeDe Murcer Moffett SNAP Keynote Speaker Clients
DeDe Murcer Moffett SNAP Keynote Leadership Speaker Clients
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  • “It’s a message America really needs to hear right now.” -Nido Qubein, Founder National Speakers Assoc. Foundation

    “DeDe’s book helps people change what they can change and take action!” – Earl R Henslin, – “The Brain Doctor”



DeDe Murcer Moffett SNAP Leadership Keynote Speaker testimonial video

Come alive and reengage in a SNAP