The Importance of Influential Leadership

What’s the importance of influential leadership?  Is there a picture that you associate with influential leadership? Maybe it’s the keynote speaker that seems to have it all together or the woman in the boardroom that is calling all the shots.

These people may be leaders but there is so much more to influential leadership than just giving a speech to a captive audience or commanding the attention of your subordinates in a meeting. Here are just a few qualities of an influential leader but you can also be influential right where you are!

What makes an Influential Leader?

Taking a look back over time, we can find many influential leaders. These individuals have left long-lasting marks on society. Time Magazine released an article titled, Who’s Biggest? The 100 Most Significant Figures in History. In this article they described the qualities that they looked for when ranking these individuals.

Significance is related to fame but measures something different…Historically significant figures leave statistical evidence of their presence behind…

This list includes a variety of people including Jesus, Joan of Arc and even Elvis Presley and shows us that influence goes beyond giving speeches to inspiring others by your life.

You Can Inspire Others

Every influential leader has a story which includes a moment or a person that pushed them in the right direction. You are also a “game changer” for someone. Remember that! Think back to the individuals that may have influenced your life. This can be historical figures or people who you have known personally. Those who have influenced you personally most likely had a trusted relationship with you or had a rapport that caused you to trust his or her judgement. The truth is, you can be as influential as those listed by Time Magazine or those who have influenced you personally. Someone around you needs your knowledge, experience and charisma.  So ”Snap Out of It!” and change someone’s life by telling your story.

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